Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey Bloggees

Hello Bloggees! (from one of the girls)

It has been a few days since we last checked in and updated you all. We have found ourselves quite busy working on different projects and crossing the boarder almost every day.

Last week we spent a lot of time working on our skits and testimonies. We had the privilege to help out with a chapel at the Mission on Friday, and do the service in Buenos Aries on Sunday. Tomorrow we are part of the chapel at the Mission once again and this weekend we are leading a service at Triumph Lutheran Church in Nogales, Arizona.

Monday was our day off for the most part. The girls cleaned Gola's house (the mother of the pastor's wife who has a house on the same property as ours) for an hour or so, and Kris spent the whole day on a adventure down to Mascarenas, Mexico with Dan. Other than that most of us got lots of rest and so people are feeling a lot better.

Tuesday we then headed up to Tuscon to encourage and help out at a church (Abiding Savor). We designed a pamphlet advertising and inviting people to a yard sale, dinner and service in a few weeks; then we got to go around to the community and hand it out. It was fun to spend time talking to the pastor, giving new ideas and encouraging him at his new perish. Before we left he took us out to two different houses where we met two ladies of the congregation. At one house we got to pick grapefruits and oranges till our hearts were content! Currently the boy's house smells of citrus, much better than other things it could smell like. We were very excited when we pealed the first orange and tasted it. It tasted like wild raspberries. Unbelievable! We have eaten so many that we are probably on a vitamin C over dose!

Just yesterday (Wednesday) we finished painting the fence at the church in Buenos Aries. It took us a few days and some runs across the boarder to get more paint, but in the end it ended up looking really good and the people seemed to appreciated it quite a lot. Then today we were invited to go back just so they could feed us a delicious meal (the forth of such delicious meals). The hospitality is incredible. They take care of our every need and then some. On our way home we stopped in at the market in Nogales (Mexico) and picked up a few things to take home, mostly pure vanilla.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us these past few months leading up to this trip and throughout it all. We are so thankful to know that no matter what is going on here we are being supported in prayer more than we know. Everyone seems to be feeling much better. Jenny's back is still bothering her a bit, but for the most part it has been really good. We could also keep praying for Nick's back injury (from playing basketball). Mostly as a team we are are in need of prayer for renewed energy. We can see the end of the trip coming in just a few days now and everyone is looking a bit tired and worn out. The last few days are looking pretty busy, travelling all over the place and we are definitely in need of energy and endurance.

Thanks for all your comments that we always look forward to reading, we hope you are all doing well.

Dios le bendiga!
Your beloved Blogger


Anahansi said...

Hey Guys!!

I think you have a lot of work in Nogales, so when you go back to Canada you will need a few days of vacations (:

In my church, the youth are preparing for our trip to the agricultural fields in Ceuta. There are many people who comes from different states of Mexico to work, so we want that they take the Good News in their hearts. Every year we have 300 persons approximately so we must to work a lot!

I miss you and every people in the church pray for you.

Take care (also you Nick :))

God bless you!!


Mary said...

Hey Guys!
It's been so good to read your blogs and hear about your trip. Sounds like you have been doing some pretty sweet stuff. Glad to hear most of you are feeling better. We've been praying for you a lot. I really look forward to hearing more stories next week when you get back.
Stay strong and keep working hard.
Grace, Love, and Peace.

Nani and Nana said...

Thanks Team Mexico!! Great to see Mexican friends commenting on your blog. Isn't Anahansi Pastor Guadalupe's daughter?

You have been busy!! Bless you for all you have done and the servant attitudes you have shown.

Tell Gomez' I will be there to pick them up and that they can stay with us as planned. I'll have Dan's van ready to go for the next morning. (-29 here today-ouch!)

Glad health issues are getting somewhat better.

We hope to debrief Thursday morning (January 29) at 11:15 AM in the Prayer Chapel. That will give you around 30+ hours to get rested up.

Bless you all!


Unknown said...

Have a Blessed Trip home.

mama tovah

Christian Loken said...

Oranges that taste like Strawberries! It sounds out of "Alice in Wonderland".
Thanks for the update, I'm really glad to hear that you guys are feeling better. And I look forward to hearing your stories next time I see you. I will be praying that God give you energy to get the most out of these last few days.