Monday, January 12, 2009

Adiós Mazatlán. ¡Nogales aquí nosotros venimos!

All our bags are packed and tomorrow morning we head off on another part of our adventure. 

We (the boys!) have really enjoyed our time here in Mazatlan. Some of our highlights here have been the food, our hosts, the produce camp that we experienced and being immersed in the mexican culture.

The cuisine in Mazatlan has been simply astonishing. We never knew that we could digest so much deep fried food (well okay maybe not all of us are digesting the food quite right!) Living with the mexican families has let us truly appreciate the major affect a deep fryer can have on your meal time. Already we have placed our orders for 100 of the finest deep fryers(the Lincat DF 33 deep fat fryer) for next years christmas gifts. The mexican cuisine has definitely lived up to its reputation for having intense flavors. We can only have faith that God will allow us to experience such taste in Nogales. 

Our host families here in Mazatlan have been unbelievably hospitable to us in every way. They provided us with everything from a bed to laundry services. The culture we have encountered here has largely been contributed to by our hosts and their families. We have all been blessed with beautiful families that we can now call our own. We have kind of been adopted into the families, so much so we even have unique roles to play in each. Nick and Ryan's host family renamed Nick Chabelo. This is the name of a character on mexican television. It is a kids show, the character is tall, goofy and doesn't know when or maybe even how to be serious. We think that Chabelo is a kid who is in a man's body so he wears kids clothes and has a really high voice which sounds even funnier in spanish. Self explanatory. We watched one episode and soon realized why Nick is now Chabelo. 

On Saturday we were blessed with the opportunity to go to an agricultural camp an hour and a half north of Mazatlan called Ceuda. We handed out pamphlets and magazines to the local youth after doing a kids outreach outside the church in the neighborhood. It was very eye opening to see the conditions these people live in. We walked around to invite children to the church and it was hard to see some of the children; a lot of them had pink eye and it wasn't difficult to understand why with the living conditions in the community. When the kids showed up to the 'kids service' it was awesome to see how willingly they participated with us. Ceuda is place I'm sure will stay in our hearts for a long time.

We are so grateful to be on this missions trip, thanks for all your support. Please continue to pray for us as we travel tomorrow afternoon to Nogales. Health amongst the team has been fairly good, Jenny is doing amazing but please continue to pray for her back.

Dios te bendiga.
Ryan, Nick and Kris



Good Job Boys. It is glad to see you working hard!

Ro said...

Well, sounds like you all have done a wonderful job while you've been there. Good job is right! We are very proud of you guys. God has given each of you special gifts & it is so awesome to see you each using them to serve Him down there, including Nick's goofy side. That is not all that Nick is about though. That one side of him does help when he is working with children though. But there are many sides to each of us, including Nick, & including a serious side too, and we all need to remember that & show each other proper respect in everything we do. What you're all doing down there in Mexico is amazing, & God is surely blessing all the works of your hands. And we will continue to keep you in our prayers as you all travel onto Nogales next. Be safe everyone & take care & keep your eyes on Jesus! We love you guys!

Anahansi said...

Hey Guys!!

Thanks for your wonderful work in Mazatlan, was a pleasure spend time with you.
Yes, Chabelo is a man that you saw as child, he`s very funny and exists since I was 3 o 4 years old, so Nick now you are very famous!!!

I`m sorry!!! I didn`t say well the name of the place where you were last Saturday, its Ceuta, no Ceuda :S

I hope that your time in Nogales will be good as in Mazatlan and many people will be blessed with the message of your songs, dramas, etc.

I`m sorry for my bad english, but the next time we meet I`ll speak much better, I promise it :D

Greetings from Mazatlan, come soon!!!!!

God bless you :)

keep in touch:P

Unknown said...

It sounds like you are having fun! Good for you for learning the language...keep it up! And make sure to never confuse "buenos noches" with "buenos naches"! Dios le bendiga mucho!
-Karen O.

Nani and Nana said...

Wonderful update! Thanks for your service!

Blessings in Nogales. Greet the brothers and sisters at Buenos Aires and Buen Pastor if you see them.

Thanks for being so open to what what He has for you!

1st years are praying for you al this week in Intro to Mission.

Rob and Pat

Jonnie said...

Thanks for your update! It sounds like your time in Mazatlan has had an impact on you. We pray that while you are in Nogales you will experience a rich time as well. God's blessings as you continue serving!