Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Week

so its the last week of classes and we are rushing to get everything completed. we have one skit down and we are hoping to have at least on drime down before we go so we will see if we have enough time for that who knows.

please pray that i find my immunization sheet, which is on my school bag that i can seem to find, that would be awesome k bye for now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Creative Ideas

Ok so we are entering the last stretch before we fly out and we need to star think about what exactly we will be presenting to the Kids at the Churches we may be going to. things like Drama Skits also if we are going to play with the Kids, we might want to teach then some games, so please pray for some inspiring ideas.

Thanks Ryan

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Date for Nogales

Hello again everyone i have another date for you. as you should all know we are going to two places in Mexico. first of course we are going to Mazatlan, second we are going to Nogales.
This is where the the Info begins Yay, so we are going to be leaving Mazatlan on the 13th of January to go to Nogales and we will fly back to CLBI around the 28th thanks all and ill blog to you all soon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Dates are Set, and We're Still Busy

Okay so I was able to confirm when we will be taking off to head to our first destination, Mazatlan, yay!
So we will be leaving the Edmonton Airport on January the 1st at 6:00AM, that's right 6:00AM. Woot for New Years party in Camrose. With this information in Hand we have began rigorous training, we plan to get up early every morning and Have made a commitment to drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day, tea for the ladies.
actually that was a lie.... we pretty much just don't have the time to really care, CLBI keeps us whipped, I Know they said the first week of school was boot camp but i don't think it's ever ended!
hopefully we'll survive the semester so we can make the trip to Mexico!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flights Are In

Just so you all know we have booked our flights so we are set to go, i will inform you about the times and everything when i can track down Michelle for now just enjoy the peace in knowing we are actually going to Mexico.


Hi this is team Mexico we are officially up and running pray that we don't run into any more problems with our Blog so we can keep you all completely updated / well informed, thanks and God Bless